Blog & News

What We Love About Modern Tudor Style Homes  1024 609 Team View

What We Love About Modern Tudor Style Homes 

In the ever-evolving world of architectural design, the Modern Tudor Style is a beacon of elegance and timelessness. As a…

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Happy Holidays from SSDB! 1024 576 Administrator

Happy Holidays from SSDB!

Wishing you a dream holiday from our dream house team! Have a look at the behind-the-scenes making of this photo…

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Navigating the Construction Labor Shortage with Resilience & Passion 1024 683 Team View

Navigating the Construction Labor Shortage with Resilience & Passion

In the realm of residential construction, the foundations of success are not just bricks and mortar, but also the dedicated…

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Building Your Custom Home to Enjoy in Your Retirement 1024 576 Team View
family room black grand piano

Building Your Custom Home to Enjoy in Your Retirement

The kids may have already flown the coop and your career may be winding down as you’re dreaming about the…

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Building vs buying a home 1024 576 Team View
Building vs Buying a home

Building vs buying a home

In today’s real estate market, the decision to build a custom home or buy an existing home can be a…

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Natural Stone Warehouse Tour 1024 576 Administrator
Scott Simpson Design and Build architects and builders visiting a natural stone warehouse at Calia Stone

Natural Stone Warehouse Tour

  Our architects and builders will often visit different vendors and suppliers to be sure we are up to date…

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