Offering home Design-Build under one roof allows us to tackle the most challenging projects on the market. It is the best way we know to ensure your goals are supported by beautiful, realistic and cost-efficient custom home designs and construction plans – made even better with our three-year warranty and emergency service.
On your project we will form a united partnership that includes our licensed architect, builders, project management team, long-standing subcontractors, suppliers, craftspeople and – most importantly – you.
Why should I hire a single firm that specializes in custom home Design + Build as opposed to designing a project with an architect and bidding the project out to multiple contractors?
The most compelling reason is that it is more economical. You can stretch the dollar farther with a firm specializing in both architecture and construction than you can when there is a separate architect and contractor. Additionally, home Design Build is the better way to create something with architectural distinction and construction integrity.
A single vision under a single contract with a lockstep workflow and a constant perspective of the “big picture” opens the door to:
- cross-discipline insights that save money
- concurrent productivity and advance information that save time
- open-book information that solidifies expectations
- focused expertise that promotes innovation and inspiration
- higher responsibility that elevates standards
What is the difference between Design-Bid-Build and Design-Build custom homes?
In the Design-Bid-Build model the owner hires an architect to develop plans and specifications to describe the scope of work with design and construction services split into separate entities, separate contracts, separate work. Once approved by the owner, the plans and specifications are sent out to local contractors for competitive bidding/contract award and, finally, construction.
Home Design-Build is a method of project delivery in which one entity – like the SSDB team – works under a single contract with the project owner to provide design and construction services. One entity, one contract, one unified flow of work from initial concept through completion – thereby integrating the roles of designer and constructor.
With one entity responsible for client satisfaction, Design-Build is able to successfully deliver construction custom home projects with superior results – no matter what the project type.
What is the financial advantage of Design-Build custom homes?
The Design-Bid-Build model is a popular method of proceeding because it gives clients the benefit of the bidding process. Competitive bidding has great psychological advantages because it makes the owner feel like they have been vigilant in seeking the lowest market price for their work and that they have vetted the market. However, studies (like this one from the Design-Build Institute of America) show that this is not actually the case.
Hiring the architect and builder as one unified Design-Build team is simply less expensive and more expedient. Some great stats from the Design-Build Data Sourcebook compiled by the Design-Build Institute of America show that Design-Build (vs. Design-Bid-Build) has a:
- 102% Faster Delivery Speed
- 36% Faster Construction Speed
- 3.8% less cost growth
- 1.7% less schedule growth
- 0.3% lower overall cost
Behind the Numbers:
Lower Unit Cost: Higher team chemistry among the owner, designer and builder (GC, CM or design-builder). Open book contracting terms, such as a cost plus a fee with a guaranteed maximum price (GMP). Lower initial contracted unit cost
Less Cost Growth: Use of a design-build project delivery system. Higher team chemistry among the owner, designer and builder (GC, CM or design-builder). Earlier involvement of the builder.
Less Schedule Growth: Participation of the designer and builder (GC, CM or designbuilder) in project goal-setting. Earlier involvement of the builder.
Use of a design-build project delivery system also contributes to faster construction speed and delivery.
The market is shifting as owners are becoming more versed in the better option of Design-Build. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have or connect you with other SSDB clients so they can tell you more about their experiences.
When you hire SSDB, you partner with a seamless team that is authentic, accessible and has devoted their lives to the craft of elevating spaces. Let’s get started on a design build custom home that matches your family needs, evolves timelessly, is kind to the environment and delivers inspiration and beauty with grace.

Enjoy a look at our 30+ years of designing and building custom homes on the North Shore!